Accessible Information

There are five key requirements of the Standard and as a Practice we will:

  1. Ask patients and carers if they have any information or communication needs, and find out how to meet their needs;
  2. Record those needs in a set way;
  3. Highlight the patient’s file, so it is clear that they have information or communication needs, and clearly explain how those needs should be met;
  4. Share information about a person’s needs with other NHS and adult social care providers, when they have consent or permission to do so;
  5. Make sure that people get information in an accessible way and communication support if they need it wherever we possibly can do.

Here at the Park Medical Practice we will provide all our patients access to information they can understand and offer any support needed if a communication need is highlighted.

To let us know about any communication needs, please contact us online.



As part of NHS England’s communications campaign to raise awareness of the multi-disciplinary team working in primary care, a new animated film has been developed to explain the additional roles for multicultural audiences. 
For patients requiring assistance with their appointment please advise when booking, we are happy to support patients by facilitating an interpreter and/or British Sign Language