Lane Ends Surgery offer a Home Visiting Service to all those patients who are housebound and are unable to attend the Practice. We would appreciate if you could ring the Practice as early as possible so that we are able to arrange a visit on the day. Please provide the Care Coordinator with detailed information regarding the home visit as this will enable the clinician to prioritise the visit schedule.
Please remember that there are better facilities for examining and treating patients at the practice. Home visits should only be requested for patients who are permanently housebound because of illness or disability, or are genuinely too unwell to come to the surgery on the day.
A member of the clinical team may telephone you in advance of visiting to gain a better understanding of your problem and situation and may decide that a visit to your home might not be necessary as it may be that your problem can be dealt with by telephone advice, or that it would be more appropriate to send another healthcare professional, or indeed arrange a hospital attendance.